Wabaunsee County Kansas Sesquicentennial
A Day of Remembering and Looking Forward
On May 30, 1854, President Franklin Pearce signed the Nebraska-Kansas Bill, forming the territories of Nebraska and Kansas, opening them to settlement. The following year, the Kansas Territorial Legislature, who’s members were mostly pro slavery, named and set boundaries for counties in Kansas territory. Present day Wabaunsee County was then named Richardson after William Richardson, a pro slavery member of the Kansas Territorial Council. By 1859, the county had been settled predominately by Free Staters and the Territorial Legislature had changed to Free State control. It was then that settlers renamed their county “Wabaunsee” and selected the town site of Wabaunsee as the county seat.
On June 9, 2009 Wabaunsee County celebrated it's sesquicentennial in Alma, the present county seat. The day was filled with patriotism, reminiscences, a look to the past, and toward the future. There were demonstrations, food, exhibits, and living historians helping to make it a memorial day. We were proud to play a part.
Some photographs are courtesy of Anna and Preston Surface and are used with permission.